I’ve tried doing Kegel pelvic floor exercises and using related products but I found them difficult and very time-consuming. Also I didn’t notice any real improvement after several weeks. I’m looking for something which will be easier to use and hopefully much more effective, can you help please?
Yes of course. Using LadySystem vaginal cones is a completely different experience compared with Kegel exercises or using a Kegel tracker with biofeedback. LadySystem cones are held inside the vagina by an automatic reflex action, so there is little or no effort needed on your part.
Also, you need to use cones for only 15 minutes twice a day, and you can continue with other tasks while you do so. Kegel exercises and Kegel trackers involve voluntary contractions which you have to make, while LadySystem works by using your involuntary (reflex) contractions which happen automatically.
You’ll start to feel the difference within days of starting, and your symptoms should improve noticeably within the first fortnight.
I used a rather expensive “Kegel tracker” with biofeedback, which works with my smartphone. However, it involved more effort than I could manage. Will I need to dedicate less time and effort to using LadySystem?
Yes. Anything involving visual biofeedback or voluntary contractions involves some pretty hard work. And it’ll be a while before you notice any improvement. There’s no guarantee of success either, because the contractions are easy to do incorrectly. For that reason, many women abandon these methods. They simply don’t have the time or the opportunity during their working day to stop what they’re doing to use those products.
What sets LadySystem apart is that it’s almost effortless to use. Your muscles are in fact working, but they’re performing involuntary (reflex) contractions which hold the cone in automatically. Because this type of exercise is so efficient, improvement is much quicker, and the therapy takes up less time. As an added bonus, you don’t have to stop what you’re doing while you use it!
When I’m using a LadySystem cone, I can’t feel it and it doesn’t feel as though my muscles are doing anything. Am I using the cones correctly?
Yes absolutely! While you use it, you should hardly be aware of the presence of the cone, and you shouldn’t need to make any conscious effort or contraction of your muscles to hold the cone in. Nevertheless, you can be sure that your muscles are indeed performing the correct exercise, otherwise the cone wouldn’t stay in. That’s why we say LadySystem is so effortless to use.
What is the approximate size of the LadySystem cones?
LadySystem cones are 5 cm long, and 2cm diameter at their widest point. That’s about the same size as a small wine cork. LadySystem cones are the smallest of any brand of vaginal cones and they’re very comfortable to use.
I’ve had stress incontinence for quite a number of years, is it too late for me to start trying to cure the problem? I’m currently spending a small fortune on pads
No, it’s never too late to try and re-strengthen your pelvic floor. As long as you’re on your feet and have no particular physical limitations, don’t delay in starting to exercise your pelvic floor. You’ll soon be crossing those expensive pads off your shopping list!
I’ve been told that I have a prolapse, can I still go ahead and use LadySystem?
Prolapses are caused by pelvic floor weakness, so using LadySystem can certainly improve your symptoms. Whether it will be effective for you depends on the location and severity of your prolapse, and you should consult your doctor for advice before starting.
I’m using a coil for contraception, can I still go ahead and use LadySystem?
There’s no reason why you can’t use LadySystem safely with a coil or other intra-uterine contraceptive device (IUD). However, you should check this with your own doctor before doing so. As a general rule, the use of LadySystem vaginal cones is not contra-indicated with an intra-uterine device (IUD).
What are the cones made of?
LadySystem cones are made of an ultra-smooth medical grade material which satisfies the world’s most stringent safety criteria for medical and personal use products. LadySystem is registered with the Health Authorities in the United Kingdom and The European Union, the United States FDA, Health Canada, and most other health authorities around the world. LadySystem is hypoallergenic and does not contain any silicones, latex or BPA.
Has LadySystem been clinically tested and proven?
Yes, extensively. LadySystem has been clinically tested and proven by specialist gynaecologists and other medical professionals working at some of the most prestigious clinics and university hospitals in the world. Originally designed in collaboration with internationally respected gynaecologists at London University, vaginal cones have been proven in dozens of successful clinical trials. The results have been published widely in major medical journals around the world.
Do you provide detailed instructions on how to use LadySystem?
Yes, the product comes with a full and detailed instruction leaflet with which tells you everything you need to know in simple, clear language. The instructions are available in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
Is LadySystem suitable for use during pregnancy?
Obviously an important question. You should do all you can to make sure that your pelvic floor muscles are in the best possible shape before, during, and especially after your pregnancy. LadySystem is very safe to use and has never been associated with any health risks of any kind, and there is no evidence that using it while you are pregnant would pose any risk either. However, we consider it prudent not to use any type of intra-vaginal device while you are pregnant without the express advice of your doctor.
Where can I buy LadySystem?
You can buy LadySystem online via Amazon using the links on the “BUY“ page of this website.
How do you get the cone out after use?
Each cone has a flexible cord which stays outside during use. You simply pull gently on this cord and the cone will slip out without any problem. The cord is very strong and virtually impossible to break, so it’s completely safe and reliable.
How long will I have to use LadySystem to improve my pelvic floor?
You need to use a cone for just 15 minutes twice a day, while you carry on with your daily activities. Once you’ve put it in place, you don’t need to make any special effort and you can just forget about it until it’s time to take it out.
You should feel an improvement within days, and most symptoms will start to disappear after 4 weeks of regular use. To be sure you’ve got your pelvic floor in optimum condition, we recommend that you carry out a full programme of using LadySystem for 12 weeks.
After I have my baby I plan to get myself fit again as soon as possible. Can I use LadySystem during that time?
During the birth of your baby, your pelvic floor muscles get very stretched and weakened, and they need a chance to recover before you start any fitness activities. Strenuous exercise puts considerable strain on your pelvic floor and could make matters worse. Therefore, once your 6 week post-natal check-up is done, you should start to get your pelvic floor back into shape using LadySystem before starting aerobics or any other physical exercise regime.
I like to keep fit and I love my sports, but recently I’ve noticed that I leak a little urine at times. I’m only 25 years of age and I haven’t had any children. Could this still be related to pelvic floor weakness?
Yes, it’s directly related to the weakening of your pelvic floor, and it may well get worse unless you take some action. The repeated downward impact on your pelvic floor, which takes place during gymnastics, aerobics or similar activities has weakened your pelvic floor. Your slight urine leaks (stress incontinence) are a direct result of that weakness.
You should tone down the intensity of your sporting activities, or perhaps even take a temporary break from them, while you take steps to get your pelvic floor strong again. Start a programme of re-toning your pelvic floor using LadySystem, and once your symptoms have improved, you can resume your sporting activities gradually. Once you do so, don’t stop using LadySystem as well, as it will help to ensure you don’t have any repetition of the problem. You shouldn’t use LadySystem at the same time as doing strenuous exercise however.
I’m now in my 60’s and I’ve had urine leaks for years now. Surgery has been suggested to me but I’d like to avoid it if possible. Could LadySystem work for me or is it now too late?
It’s never too late to get your pelvic floor strength back, and trying LadySystem should always be the first step before considering surgery. Clinical trials at London University have shown that up to 70% of women who were destined for surgery managed to avoid it completely using this System.
I’ve had two children in quick succession in the last 5 years, and sex just hasn’t been the same since my last pregnancy. Will this method help me with that problem?
Yes, of course, a stronger and firmer pelvic floor is exactly what you need! Having children is the single biggest cause of pelvic floor weakness, and you should have been recommended a programme of effective therapy years ago. With a firm and toned pelvic floor, sexual arousal is speeded up, and orgasms are easier to have. You’ll find that tighter muscles make sex much more pleasurable for both you and your partner.
Do I need to be able to reach the heaviest cone to get any benefit from LadySystem?
No, not at all. As with any type of physical weight training, everyone has limits to the weights they can manage to lift. The same applies to using LadySystem. You simply work your way gradually through the series of cones, until you reach the heaviest cone you can manage to use comfortably. Then, continue using that cone for your daily sessions until you complete the 12 week programme.
I suffer from vaginal dryness and find it difficult to use tampons for example. Is it all right for me to use LadySystem?
As with any user, you should consult your doctor before trying this therapy, but a little water-based lubricant usually solves this kind of problem quite effectively.
What is LadySystem Pelvic Floor Therapy?
It is a clinically proven and established way of re-strengthening the pelvic floor muscles using a system of simple exercises.
How does LadySystem work?
LadySystem works with your body’s natural reflex contractions, and it focuses the exercise on exactly the right muscles.
LadySystem consists of a set of small tampon-like cones which are shaped so that they can be held comfortably in the vagina. The cone is held in place by the natural reflex contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, and the action of supporting the weight of the cone exercises the muscles. This provides a gentle physiotherapy which makes the muscles stronger every day.
How much exercise is necessary with LadySystem Therapy?
The exercises require little or no effort on your part, because LadySystem works by using your body’s own reflex contractions.
LadySystem is simple and discreet to use and takes only fifteen minutes twice daily while you continue with your normal daily life.
How soon will I feel the benefits of using LadySystem?
You’ll start to notice changes straight away and your symptoms should become noticeably better within 2 to 3 weeks
How soon will my incontinence improve?
Clinical trials have shown that stress incontinence usually resolves within 8-12 weeks of regular use
Has LadySystem Therapy been tested?
Yes, extensively. This therapy was first developed over 20 years ago and has proved highly successful in dozens of clinical trials at major hospitals and clinics around the world.
How successful is LadySystem Therapy?
Success rates have reached 90% and higher, and the method is commonly recommended by gynaecologists, urologists, physiotherapists and midwives. Most women find them simple and easy to use because they work by using your body’s own reflex contractions.
Does LadySystem Therapy have any side-effects?
The therapy is completely safe and natural and without any side-effects.
Pregnancy and childbirth
This is is the time when your pelvic floor muscles are most likely to be stretched and strained, and gynaecologists and midwives advise new mothers to take care to rehabilitate the pelvic floor as part of the normal process of post-natal recovery. LadySystem can help you to do so very effectively, by restrengthening the muscles gradually and gently, and thereby preventing pelvic floor problems in the future.
Post partum exercises
Many women like to start a programme of exercises after giving birth, in order to recover their figure and their fitness. However, these exercises can put extra pressure on your pelvic floor, and if it is already weak, then they could even make things worse. Therefore, activities such as running, jumping, abdominal exercises, or lifting weights should be avoided until you’re sure that you’ve restored your pelvic floor strength and tone using LadySystem.
Inherited problems
Almost two in ten women have a naturally weak pelvic floor even before having any children. Therefore, it’s important to recognise the symptoms and get the problem sorted out before pregnancy and other factors could make things worse.
Sports which involve jumping, high impact, and running, increase the intra-abdominal pressure and often deteriorate pelvic floor muscle tone. One study showed that among young and fit female athletes, six out of ten are affected by stress incontinence during their sporting activities. It’s essential to ensure that you have a strong pelvic floor before you participate in these types of activities.
Menopause and aging
The hormonal changes during the menopause can cause the pelvic floor muscles to lose their elasticity, and stress incontinence and other symptoms are frequently the result. Making sure that your pelvic floor is well-toned using LadySystem will minimise or resolve these problems at this often difficult time of a woman’s life.
Other causes
Retaining urine for long periods, excess consumption of some beverages (tea, coffee, cola), tight clothes, obesity, and constipation can all lead to deterioration of the pelvic floor muscles.